Yipee! We have made it to over 3000 items listed in our on line store, all at 50% to 60% off Manufacture retail prices.
We are still adding more great items weekly but wanted to celebrate with all my blogging friends. So stop by to see what is new @ Circle B Enterprises Scrapbooking & More Store.
If you decide to order while there, you can type "BLOG" into the checkout code box to receive an additional 25% off of our already discounted prices. (Any order over $30 receives free shipping, no code needed) Offer Good til April 20th!
Leave a comment Below telling me what you would like to see for sale in our little store at super low prices and I will give a random winner a $10 gift certificate to shop for FREE. Drawing May16th! (husbands birthday)
Note: You don't have to be a follower of mine to win but if you like my blog, I would appreciate it. You can also spread the word on your blog or face book and comment that you did so, for a second chance to win.
Circle B Enterprises Scrapbooking & More Store!
Thanks for being my blog friend!!!!! Happy Scrapping!
Just A Pac Rat!
Pretty Hummingbirds
2 days ago
Melanie here! I absolutely loved this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog :) MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com